Quickstart guide

The sa_gwdata package currently provides a helpful way to access the WaterConnect web services (see following page) and provide data as pandas.DataFrame instances. Features under development will allow easier ways to find and use well IDs across the entire interface, and other things.


You can install sa_gwdata the usual way:

> pip install -U python-sa-gwdata

This will install and/or update the Python package sa_gwdata.


You can locate any wells by plain-text search for well identifiers:

>>> import sa_gwdata
>>> wells = sa_gwdata.find_wells("ADE206 ADE207")
>>> wells
[<sa_gwdata.Well(259424) 6628-25427 / ADE206 / DFW T2>,
 <sa_gwdata.Well(259425) 6628-25428 / ADE207 / DFW T1>

And then get pandas DataFrames with data in them:

>>> wls = sa_gwdata.water_levels(wells)
>>> wls.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 55 entries, 0 to 54
Data columns (total 21 columns):
DHNO               55 non-null int64
network            55 non-null object
Unit_Number        55 non-null int64
Aquifer            55 non-null object
Easting            55 non-null float64
Northing           55 non-null float64
Zone               55 non-null int64
Unit_No            55 non-null object
Obs_No             55 non-null object
obs_date           55 non-null object
dtw                48 non-null float64
swl                48 non-null float64
rswl               48 non-null float64
pressure           8 non-null float64
temperature        2 non-null float64
dry_ind            0 non-null float64
anom_ind           55 non-null object
pump_ind           55 non-null object
measured_during    55 non-null object
data_source        55 non-null object
Comments           18 non-null object
dtypes: float64(8), int64(3), object(10)
memory usage: 9.1+ KB

Access to WaterConnect webservices

To create the Groundwater Data session wrapper:

>>> from sa_gwdata import WaterConnectSession
>>> session = WaterConnectSession()

Then to access any of the web service calls:

>>> response = session.get("GetObswellNetworkData", params={"Network": "KAT_FP,PIKE_FP"})
>>> len(response.df)
>>> response.df.columns
Index(['aq_mon', 'chem', 'class', 'dhno', 'drill_date', 'lat',
   'latest_open_date', 'latest_open_depth', 'latest_sal_date',
   'latest_swl_date', 'latest_yield_date', 'litholog', 'logdrill', 'lon',
   'mapnum', 'max_depth', 'name', 'nrm', 'obsnetwork', 'obsnumber',
   'permit_no', 'purp_desc', 'pwa', 'replaceunitnum', 'sal', 'salstatus',
   'stat_desc', 'swl', 'swlstatus', 'tds', 'water', 'yield'],
>>> response.df.obsnumber.unique()
array(['KTR043', 'KTR023', 'KTR025', 'KTR026', 'PYP008', 'PAG003',
       'KTR065', 'LVD002', 'RMK004', 'RMK010', 'RMK006', 'RMK007',
       'KTR021', 'KTR022', 'RMK074', 'RMK080', 'RMK077', 'RMK055',
       'KTR034', 'RMK214', 'RMK215', 'RMK216', 'RMK229', 'RMK233',
       'GDN044', 'GDN055', 'GDN064', 'RMK355', 'RMK356', 'PAG069',
       'PAG070', 'PAG071', 'PAG077', 'PAG078', 'PAG079', 'PAG080',
       'PAG081', 'PAG082', 'PAG083', 'PAG084', 'PAG085', 'PAG086',
       'PAG038', 'PAG042', 'PAG043', 'PAG044', 'PAG045', 'PAG059',
       'PAG058', 'GDN186', 'RMK361', 'MTH012', 'PAG068', 'GDN128',
       'GDN132', 'GDN187', 'GDN188', 'PAG104', 'PYP055', 'RMK357',
       'RMK363', 'RMK365', 'RMK359', 'RMK362', 'RMK385', 'RMK374',
       'KTR060', 'KTR061', 'RMK368', 'GDN185', 'RMK369', 'RMK375',
       'PAG142', 'PAG162', 'PAG161', 'PAG117', 'RMK379', 'PAG130',
       'PAG129', 'PAG116', 'PAG115', 'MTH021', 'PAG089', 'PAG091',
       'PAG092', 'PAG094', 'PAG097', 'RMK370', 'RMK371', 'KTR067',
       'KTR068', 'RMK367', 'RMK347', 'RMK348', 'RMK349', 'RMK382',
       'RMK380', 'RMK381', 'PAG118', 'PAG114', 'PAG119', 'RMK354',
       'RMK384', 'RMK383', 'RMK364', 'RMK360', 'RMK366', 'KTR066',
       'RMK358', 'RMK373', 'PAG158', 'PAG155', 'PAG152', 'PAG135',
       'PAG134', 'PAG131', 'PAG143', 'PAG146', 'PAG151', 'PAG147',
       'PAG168', 'PAG165', 'RMK376', 'KTR058', 'KTR062', 'RMK372',
       'KTR064', 'KTR063', 'RMK377', 'KTR059', 'PAG139', 'PAG140',
       'PAG169', 'PAG170', 'PAG175', 'PAG153', 'PAG154', 'PAG157',
       'PAG156', 'PAG159', 'PAG160', 'PAG133', 'PAG132', 'PAG136',
       'PAG150', 'PAG149', 'PAG148', 'PAG145', 'PAG144', 'PAG122',
       'PAG174', 'PAG163', 'PAG173', 'PAG164', 'PAG166', 'PAG176',
       'PAG167', 'PAG141', 'PAG171', 'PAG138', 'PAG120', 'PAG137',
       'PAG177', 'PAG172', 'PAG123', 'PAG121', 'RMK386', 'PAG180',
       'PAG182', 'PAG181', 'PAG183', 'PAG179', 'PAG178', 'KTR071',
       'RMK388', 'RMK389', 'PAG184', 'PAG185', 'PAG186', 'PAG187',
       'PAG188', 'PAG189', 'KTR070', 'RMK392', 'KTR069', 'RMK395',
       'RMK394', 'RMK393', 'RMK390', 'RMK391'], dtype=object)

For futher information, check out the Jupyter Notebook tutorial.