sa_gwdata Python package

<<<<<<< HEAD The sa_gwdata package currently provides a helpful way to access the WaterConnect web services (see following page) and provide data as pandas.DataFrame instances. Features under development will allow easier ways to find and use well IDs across the entire interface, and other ======= The sa_gwdata package currently provides a helpful way to access the WaterConnect web services (see following page) and provide data as pandas.DataFrame instances. Features under development will allow easier ways to find and use well IDs across the entire interface, and other >>>>>>> 13a00495c57ed2be15e1941c3d7bbae07d73bccc things.


You can install sa_gwdata the usual way:

> pip install -U python-sa-gwdata

This will install and/or update the Python package sa_gwdata.


To create the Groundwater Data wrapper:

>>> from sa_gwdata import WaterConnectSession
>>> session = WaterConnectSession()

Then to access any of the web service calls:

>>> response = session.get("GetObswellNetworkData", params={"Network": "KAT_FP,PIKE_FP"})
>>> len(response.df)
>>> response.df.columns
Index(['aq_mon', 'chem', 'class', 'dhno', 'drill_date', 'lat',
   'latest_open_date', 'latest_open_depth', 'latest_sal_date',
   'latest_swl_date', 'latest_yield_date', 'litholog', 'logdrill', 'lon',
   'mapnum', 'max_depth', 'name', 'nrm', 'obsnetwork', 'obsnumber',
   'permit_no', 'purp_desc', 'pwa', 'replaceunitnum', 'sal', 'salstatus',
   'stat_desc', 'swl', 'swlstatus', 'tds', 'water', 'yield'],
>>> response.df.obsnumber.unique()
array(['KTR043', 'KTR023', 'KTR025', 'KTR026', 'PYP008', 'PAG003',
       'KTR065', 'LVD002', 'RMK004', 'RMK010', 'RMK006', 'RMK007',
       'KTR021', 'KTR022', 'RMK074', 'RMK080', 'RMK077', 'RMK055',
       'KTR034', 'RMK214', 'RMK215', 'RMK216', 'RMK229', 'RMK233',
       'GDN044', 'GDN055', 'GDN064', 'RMK355', 'RMK356', 'PAG069',
       'PAG070', 'PAG071', 'PAG077', 'PAG078', 'PAG079', 'PAG080',
       'PAG081', 'PAG082', 'PAG083', 'PAG084', 'PAG085', 'PAG086',
       'PAG038', 'PAG042', 'PAG043', 'PAG044', 'PAG045', 'PAG059',
       'PAG058', 'GDN186', 'RMK361', 'MTH012', 'PAG068', 'GDN128',
       'GDN132', 'GDN187', 'GDN188', 'PAG104', 'PYP055', 'RMK357',
       'RMK363', 'RMK365', 'RMK359', 'RMK362', 'RMK385', 'RMK374',
       'KTR060', 'KTR061', 'RMK368', 'GDN185', 'RMK369', 'RMK375',
       'PAG142', 'PAG162', 'PAG161', 'PAG117', 'RMK379', 'PAG130',
       'PAG129', 'PAG116', 'PAG115', 'MTH021', 'PAG089', 'PAG091',
       'PAG092', 'PAG094', 'PAG097', 'RMK370', 'RMK371', 'KTR067',
       'KTR068', 'RMK367', 'RMK347', 'RMK348', 'RMK349', 'RMK382',
       'RMK380', 'RMK381', 'PAG118', 'PAG114', 'PAG119', 'RMK354',
       'RMK384', 'RMK383', 'RMK364', 'RMK360', 'RMK366', 'KTR066',
       'RMK358', 'RMK373', 'PAG158', 'PAG155', 'PAG152', 'PAG135',
       'PAG134', 'PAG131', 'PAG143', 'PAG146', 'PAG151', 'PAG147',
       'PAG168', 'PAG165', 'RMK376', 'KTR058', 'KTR062', 'RMK372',
       'KTR064', 'KTR063', 'RMK377', 'KTR059', 'PAG139', 'PAG140',
       'PAG169', 'PAG170', 'PAG175', 'PAG153', 'PAG154', 'PAG157',
       'PAG156', 'PAG159', 'PAG160', 'PAG133', 'PAG132', 'PAG136',
       'PAG150', 'PAG149', 'PAG148', 'PAG145', 'PAG144', 'PAG122',
       'PAG174', 'PAG163', 'PAG173', 'PAG164', 'PAG166', 'PAG176',
       'PAG167', 'PAG141', 'PAG171', 'PAG138', 'PAG120', 'PAG137',
       'PAG177', 'PAG172', 'PAG123', 'PAG121', 'RMK386', 'PAG180',
       'PAG182', 'PAG181', 'PAG183', 'PAG179', 'PAG178', 'KTR071',
       'RMK388', 'RMK389', 'PAG184', 'PAG185', 'PAG186', 'PAG187',
       'PAG188', 'PAG189', 'KTR070', 'RMK392', 'KTR069', 'RMK395',
       'RMK394', 'RMK393', 'RMK390', 'RMK391'], dtype=object)

For futher information, check out the Jupyter Notebook tutorial.


class sa_gwdata.WaterConnectSession(*args, endpoint=None, sleep=2, verify=True, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper around repeated requests to Groundwater Data.

  • endpoint (str) – url endpoint for API, optional
  • sleep (int) – minimum interval between requests in seconds. Be nice, do not reduce it.
  • verify (bool) – require valid SSL certificate

Other args and kwargs are passed to request.Session constructor.


>>> from sa_gwdata import WaterConnectSession
>>> with WaterConnectSession() as s:
...     df = s.get("GetObswellNetworkData", params={"Network": "CENT_ADEL"})
get(path, verify=None, **kwargs)[source]

HTTP GET verb to Groundwater Data.

Parameters:path (str) – final portion of URL path off the end of self.endpoint e.g. to GET then you would use path="GetAdvancedListsData".

Load lists data from API. Stores them in the attributes networks, nrm_regions, pwas, pwras.

Any calls to sa_gwdata.WaterConnectSession.get() return an sa_gwdata.Response object:

class sa_gwdata.Response[source]

Return the HTTP requests.Response object.


Convert the response to JSON. Returns a dict/list.


If the response is a list, convert to a pandas DataFrame with columns converted into the lowercase.


Check if JSON can be converted to a DataFrame. Returns bool.