Source code for sa_gwdata.identifiers

import re

import pandas as pd

    "unit_no": [r"G?(\d{4})-?(\d{5})", r"G?(\d{4})-(\d{1,5})"],
    "dh_no": [r"(\d{1,6})"],
    "obs_no": [r"([a-zA-Z]{3})[ -]?(\d{1,3})"],

[docs]class UnitNo: """Parse a well unit number. Arguments: *args (str or int): either the complete unit number or the map sheet and drillhole sequence numbers Example:: >>> u1 = UnitNo("6628-123") >>> u2 = UnitNo("662800123") >>> u3 = UnitNo(662800123) >>> u4 = UnitNo("6628-00123") >>> u5 = UnitNo(6628, 123) >>> u6 = UnitNo("6628", "00123") >>> u7 = UnitNo("G662800123") >>> u1 == u2 == u3 == u4 == u5 == u6 == u7 True Attributes: map (int): 10K map sheet seq (int): sequence number hyphen (str): hyphenated format e.g. "6628-123" long (str): zero-filled format e.g. "662800123" long_int (int/None): zero-filled format as integer e.g. 662800123 or None if missing wilma (str): WILMA style e.g. "6628-00123" hydstra (str): Hydstra style e.g. "G662800123" """ def __init__(self, *args): = None self.seq = None self._attributes = [ "map", "seq", "hyphen", "long", "long_int", "wilma", "hydstra", ] self.set(*args)
[docs] def set(self, *args): """See :class:`UnitNo` constructor for details of arguments.""" if len(args) == 1: if args[0] == "nan": args[0] = None if args[0]: if isinstance(args[0], list) or isinstance(args[0], tuple): return self.set(*args[0]) for pattern in PATTERNS["unit_no"]: match = re.match(pattern, str(args[0])) if match: = int( self.seq = int( return raise ValueError( "no identifier found in {}, " "check docs for accepted formats".format(args[0]) ) elif len(args) == 2: = int(args[0]) self.seq = int(args[1])
@property def hyphen(self): try: return "{:d}-{:d}".format(, self.seq) except TypeError: return "" @property def long(self): try: return "{:d}{:05d}".format(, self.seq) except TypeError: return "" @property def long_int(self): if self.long: return int(self.long) else: return None @property def wilma(self): try: return "{:d}-{:05d}".format(, self.seq) except TypeError: return "" @property def hydstra(self): try: return "G{:d}{:05d}".format(, self.seq) except TypeError: return "" def __str__(self): return self.hyphen def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.seq)) def __iter__(self): return iter((, self.seq)) def __bool__(self): return bool( and bool(self.seq) def to_scalar_dict(self): return {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self._attributes}
[docs]class ObsNo: """Parse an observation well identifier. Arguments: *args (str or int): either one string, which can be either in the format 'YAT017' or 'YAT-17', etc.; or two values, either int or str, for the plan prefix (three letters referring to the hundred) and the sequence number. e.g. 'YAT', 17 Example:: >>> from sa_gwdata import ObsNo >>> o1 = ObsNo("YAT017") >>> o2 = ObsNo("YAT17") >>> o3 = ObsNo("YAT 17") >>> o4 = ObsNo("YAT", 17) >>> o1 == o2 == o3 == o4 True Attributes: plan (str): hundred prefix seq (int): sequence number id (str): consistent zero-padded identifier e.g. "YAT017" egis (str): ENVGIS style e.g. "YAT 17" """ def __init__(self, *args): self.plan = "" self.seq = None self._attributes = ["plan", "seq", "id", "egis"] self.set(*args)
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Parse an obs identifier, ignoring all parsing errors. Arguments are the same as those for the class constructor, but all exceptions are ignored. Returns: if successful, a blank string if not. """ try: obs_no = cls(*args, **kwargs) except: return "" else: return
[docs] def set(self, *args): """See :class:`ObsNo` constructor for details of arguments.""" if len(args) == 1: if args[0] == "nan": args[0] = None if args[0]: if isinstance(args[0], list) or isinstance(args[0], tuple): return self.set(*args[0]) for pattern in PATTERNS["obs_no"]: match = re.match(pattern, args[0]) if match: self.plan = self.seq = int( return raise ValueError( "no identifier found in {}, " "check docs for accepted formats".format(args[0]) ) elif len(args) == 2: if isinstance(args[0], str): self.plan = args[0] self.seq = int(args[1]) else: raise ValueError( "first argument should be a str e.g. 'YAT', 'ADE', etc." )
@property def id(self): try: return "{}{:03d}".format(self.plan.upper(), self.seq) except TypeError: return "" @property def egis(self): try: return "{} {:.0f}".format(self.plan.upper(), self.seq) except TypeError: return "" def __str__(self): return def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.plan, self.seq)) def __iter__(self): return iter((self.plan, self.seq)) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.plan) and bool(self.seq) def to_scalar_dict(self): return {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self._attributes}
[docs]class Well: """Represents a well. Args: dh_no (int): drillhole number (required) unit_no (str/int): unit number (optional) obs_no (str/int): obs number (optional) Other keyword arguments will be set as attributes. Attributes: id (str): obs number if it exists, e.g. "NOA002", if not, unit number e.g. "6628-123", and in the rare case that a unit number does not exist, then drillhole no. e.g. "200135". title (str): available attributes including name, e.g. "7025-3985 / WRG038 / WESTERN LAGOON". obs_no (ObsNo): obs number unit_no (UnitNo): unit number """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._attributes = [] self.unit_no = UnitNo() self.obs_no = ObsNo() = "" self.set(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set(self, dh_no, unit_no="", obs_no="", **kwargs): """See :class:`Well` constructor for docstring.""" self.dh_no = dh_no self.set_unit_no(unit_no) self.set_obs_no(obs_no) for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.set_well_attribute(key, value)
def set_well_attribute(self, key, value): key = key.lower() self._attributes.append(key) setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def set_obs_no(self, *args): """Set obswell number. Args are passed to :class:`ObsNo` constructor. """ self.obs_no.set(*args)
[docs] def set_unit_no(self, *args): """Set unit number. Args are passed to :class:`UnitNo` constructor. """ self.unit_no.set(*args)
def __eq__(self, other): if hasattr(other, "dh_no"): return self.dh_no == other.dh_no else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self.dh_no) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.dh_no) @property def id(self): if self.obs_no: return self.obs_no elif self.unit_no: return self.unit_no else: return str(self.dh_no) @property def title(self): names = [self.unit_no.hyphen] if not names[0]: names[0] = "[dh_no={:d}]".format(self.dh_no) if self.obs_no: names.append( if names.append( return " / ".join(names) def __repr__(self): if self.obs_no: return f"'{str(self.obs_no)}'" elif self.unit_hyphen: return f"'{str(self.unit_hyphen)}'" else: return str(self.dh_no)
[docs] def to_scalar_dict(self): """Convert Well to a dictionary containing scalar values. Returns: dict. Guaranteed keys are "dh_no", "id", "title" and "name". The keys present in `well.unit_no.to_scalar_dict()` will be added with the prefix "unit_no.". Same for `obs_no`. Any additional attributes will also be present. """ d = {"dh_no": self.dh_no, "id":, "title": self.title, "name":} d.update( {("unit_no." + k): v for k, v in self.unit_no.to_scalar_dict().items()} ) d.update({("obs_no." + k): v for k, v in self.obs_no.to_scalar_dict().items()}) d.update({attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self._attributes}) return d
[docs] def path_safe_repr(self, remove_prefix=True): """Return title containing only characters which are allowed in Windows path names.""" r = str(self) for char in ["\\", "/", "?", ":", "*", '"', "<", ">", "|"]: r = r.replace(char, "") # This keyword argument now has no function. # if remove_prefix: # parts = r.split(")") # r = " ".join(parts[1:])[1:] return r
class Wells( """Represents a set of wells. This is not meant to be instantiated here, but can be accessed from methods of other objects, such as :meth:`sa_gwdata.WaterConnectSession.find_wells`. Attributes: wells (list): list of :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects. All attributes of the contained Well objects will also be present as attributes on this object, returning lists of the values from the Well objects contained here. It sounds more complex than it is! Tab completion is enabled, so try it out in IPython and you will quickly see how it works. """ def __init__(self, wells=None): if wells is None: wells = [] self.wells = wells self._refresh() def __repr__(self): return repr(self.wells) def __len__(self): return len(self.wells) def __getitem__(self, ix): if isinstance(ix, int): if ix < len(self): return self.wells[ix] key = ix if not key in self._map: for id_type, value in parse_well_ids_plaintext(str(key)): if value in self._map: key = value break return self._map[key] def __delitem__(self, ix): del self.wells[ix] self._refresh() def __setitem__(self, ix, value): self.wells[ix] = value def insert(self, ix, value): self.wells.insert(ix, value) self._refresh() def append(self, value): self.wells.append(value) self._refresh() def count(self, item): return self.wells.count(item) def index(self, *args): return self.wells.index(*args) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.wells) def __getattr__(self, name): name = name.split(".")[0] if name in self._attributes: return self.df()[name].values.tolist() elif name in ["unit_no", "obs_no"]: return [getattr(w, name) for w in self] else: raise AttributeError( "Wells object does not have an attribute named '{}'".format(name) ) def _refresh(self): if len(self): self._attributes = list(self[0].to_scalar_dict().keys()) else: self._attributes = [] self._map = {w.dh_no: w for w in self} self._map.update({ w for w in self if}) self._map.update({w.unit_no.hyphen: w for w in self if w.unit_no.hyphen}) def __dir__(self): return sorted( list(set([k.split(".")[0] for k in self._attributes])) + super().__dir__() ) def df(self): """Return information contained in each Well as a table. Returns: pd.DataFrame The columns of the returned DataFrame will always contain the "dh_no", "id", "title" attributes from the contained Well objects. Additional columns in the form "unit_no." + key will exist for all the keys in :meth:`UnitNo.to_scalar_dict`. Same for :meth:`ObsNo.to_scalar_dict`. Remaining columns depend on the additional attributes present on the contained Well objects. """ df = pd.DataFrame([w.to_scalar_dict() for w in self]) return df def parse_well_ids(input_text, **kwargs): """Specify well identifiers in free text and have them parsed. Args: input_text (str): the text to parse Other keyword arguments are passed to :func:`parse_well_ids_plaintext`. Example of acceptable formats: 662800125 6628-125 G662800125 6628-00125 SLE 15 SLE015 SLE15 """ input_text = input_text.replace("\r", "") return parse_well_ids_plaintext(input_text, **kwargs)
[docs]def parse_well_ids_plaintext( input_text, types=("unit_no", "obs_no"), unit_no_prefix="", obs_no_prefix="", dh_re_prefix=r"\A", ): """Parse possible well identifiers out of plain text. Arguments: input_text (str): the text to parse well identifiers from. Can include multiple lines. types (tuple): types of identifiers to look for. Currently supported: "unit_no", "obs_no", "dh_no" dh_re_prefix (str): regexp pattern required before a dh_no regexp will match Returns: a list of tuples e.g. >>> from sa_gwdata import parse_well_ids >>> parse_well_ids('sle15') [('obs_no', 'SLE015')] >>> parse_well_ids('6628150') [] >>> parse_well_ids('6628-150') [('unit_no', '6628-150')] >>> parse_well_ids('662800150') [('unit_no', '6628-150')] >>> parse_well_ids('259001', types=["dh_no"]) [('dh_no', '259001')] Remember this doesn't actually check whether these identifiers to a well in the real world; it just parses a string of text to find possible well identifiers. It's pretty robust: >>> parse_well_ids("SLE 15, SLE16, and also maybe 5910-1") [('unit_no', '5910-1'), ('obs_no', 'SLE015'), ('obs_no', 'SLE016'), ('obs_no', 'YBE591')] It has unfortunately matched "ybe 591" from the phrase "maybe 5910-1" as an obs_no. """ # WARNING: make sure you update any keyword arguments in WaterConnectSession.find_wells() input_text = " " + input_text + " " match_counts = {"unit_no": 0, "dh_no": 0, "obs_no": 0} well_ids = [] if "unit_no" in types: for pattern in PATTERNS["unit_no"]: matches = re.findall(unit_no_prefix + pattern, input_text) for match in matches: match_counts["unit_no"] += 1 well_ids.append( ("unit_no", "{}-{:.0f}".format(match[0], int(match[1]))) ) if "dh_no" in types: for id_type in ("dh_no",): for pattern in PATTERNS[id_type]: items = input_text.split() for item in items: match = + pattern, item) if match: match_counts[id_type] += 1 well_ids.append((id_type, if "obs_no" in types: for pattern in PATTERNS["obs_no"]: matches = re.findall(obs_no_prefix + pattern, input_text) for match in matches: match_counts["obs_no"] += 1 well_ids.append( ("obs_no", "{}{:03.0f}".format(match[0].upper(), int(match[1]))) ) return well_ids