Introduction (Thirty second pitch)

The python-sa-gwdata repository hosts a Python package called sa_gwdata which provides an easy way to use code to access groundwater data in South Australia which is otherwise available via the websites Groundwater Data (also known as WaterConnect) and “Water Data SA”.

Commonly-used data is available in bulk as pandas DataFrames, and comprehensive data is available via the web services which run in the background on Groundwater Data.

Comprehensive documentation is also being worked on which will eventually provide a data dictionary, tutorials on how to find and access data, some tutorials on how you might use the data (although that won’t be a long-term focus), and comprehensive documentation for technically-minded users on the Python functions and underlying web services that are implemented here.


Python >= 3.8

Required: pandas>0.24.1, requests, platformdirs, pyarrow, and pyshp - these are installed automatically with pip install python-sa-gwdata.

Recommended but optional dependencies: shapely, contextily, geopandas. These are best installed with conda/mamba if you are using that: conda/mamba install -c conda-forge geopandas shapely contextily


You can install sa_gwdata the usual way with pip install python-sa-gwdata

This will install and/or update the Python package sa_gwdata.


You can locate wells by plain-text search for well identifiers:

>>> import sa_gwdata
>>> wells = sa_gwdata.find_wells("ADE206, ADE207, 7022-11315")
>>> wells
[Well(unit_hyphen='7022-11315'), Well(obs_no='ADE206'), Well(obs_no='ADE207')]

These sa_gwdata.Well objects are important because they can be used to query a variety of other functions that let you obtain data.

For example let’s download water levels:

>>> df = sa_gwdata.water_levels(wells)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 75 entries, 0 to 74
Data columns (total 21 columns):
#   Column           Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------           --------------  -----
0   dh_no            75 non-null     int64
1   network          74 non-null     object
2   unit_long        75 non-null     int64
3   aquifer          75 non-null     object
4   easting          75 non-null     float64
5   northing         75 non-null     float64
6   zone             75 non-null     int64
7   unit_hyphen      75 non-null     object
8   obs_no           74 non-null     object
9   obs_date         75 non-null     datetime64[ns]
10  dtw              68 non-null     float64
11  swl              66 non-null     float64
12  rswl             66 non-null     float64
13  pressure         16 non-null     float64
14  temperature      2 non-null      float64
15  dry_ind          0 non-null      float64
16  anomalous_ind    75 non-null     object
17  pump_ind         75 non-null     object
18  measured_during  75 non-null     object
19  data_source      75 non-null     object
20  comments         22 non-null     object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(8), int64(3), object(9)
memory usage: 12.4+ KB