Source code for sa_gwdata.waterconnect_funcs

import io
import json
import logging
import time
import zipfile

import pandas as pd
import requests

from sa_gwdata.identifiers import *
from sa_gwdata.waterconnect import *

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def summary_layer(crs=None):
    from sa_gwdata import cache

    if crs is None:
        crs = get_global_session().working_crs
    df = cache.dh_layer
    x_col = "LON"
    y_col = "LAT"

        from shapely.geometry import Point
        import geopandas as gpd
    except ImportError:
        return df
        return gpd.GeoDataFrame(
            df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df[x_col], df[y_col]), crs="EPSG:4326"

[docs] def find_wells(input_text, **kwargs): """Find wells and retrieve some summary information. Args: input_text (str): any well identifiers to parse. See :func:`sa_gwdata.parse_well_ids_plaintext` for details of other keyword arguments you can pass here. For example: >>> import sa_gwdata >>> wells = sa_gwdata.find_wells("yat99 5840-46 ULE205") ... >>> wells ['MLC008', 'ULE205', 'YAT099'] """ session = get_global_session() return session.find_wells(input_text, **kwargs)
[docs] def find_wells_in_lat_lon(lats, lons, **kwargs): """Find wells within a geographic area. Args: lats (tuple): two decimal latitudes lons (tuple): two decimal longitudes Returns: a list of :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects (actually a :class:`sa_gwdata.Wells` object which very closely resembles a list). """ session = get_global_session() return session.find_wells_in_lat_lon(lats, lons, **kwargs)
def get_networks(session=None): """Return a list of obswell monitoring networks.""" if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.networks
[docs] def wells_summary(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of summary information for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - unit_long (int64) - dh_name (str) - network (str) - obs_no (str) - drillhole_class (str) - aquifer (str) - orig_drilled_depth (float64) - orig_drilled_date (datetime64[ns]) - max_drilled_depth (float64) - max_drilled_date (datetime64[ns]) - latest_open_depth (float64) - latest_open_date (datetime64[ns]) - latest_permit_no (float64) - cased_to (float64) - casing_min_diam (float64) - purpose (str) - latest_status (str) - latest_status_date (datetime64[ns]) - latest_dtw (float64) - latest_swl (float64) - latest_rswl (float64) - latest_wl_date (datetime64[ns]) - latest_tds (float64) - latest_ec (float64) - latest_sal_date (datetime64[ns]) - latest_ph (float64) - latest_ph_date (datetime64[ns]) - latest_yield (float64) - latest_yield_date (datetime64[ns]) - easting (float64) - northing (float64) - zone (int64) - lon_deg (int64) - lon_min (int64) - lon_sec (float64) - lat_deg (int64) - lat_min (int64) - lat_sec (float64) - longitude (float64) - latitude_positive (float64) - latitude (float64) - hundred (str) - plan (str) - parcel (str) - cert_title (str) - map_250k (str) - map_100k (int64) - map_50k (int64) - map_10k (int64) - map_2_5k (str) - map_1k (int64) - water_info_exists (str) - salinity_exists (str) - water_chem_exists (str) - geophys_log_exists (str) - drillers_log_exists (str) - lith_log_exists (str) """ session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_wells_summary(wells, **kwargs)
[docs] def water_levels(wells, pumping=False, anomalous=True, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of water level measurements for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects pumping (bool): include measurements flagged as "well being subject to the influence of local pumping" - default False anomalous (bool): include measurements flagged as being anomalous default True, as this can be subjective. Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - network (str) - unit_long (int64) - aquifer (str) - easting (float64) - northing (float64) - zone (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - obs_no (str) - obs_date (datetime64[ns]) - dtw (float64) - swl (float64) - rswl (float64) - pressure (float64) - temperature (float64) - dry_ind (str) - anomalous_ind (str) - pump_ind (str) - measured_during (str) - data_source (str) - comments (str) """ session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_water_levels( wells, pumping=pumping, anomalous=anomalous, **kwargs )
[docs] def salinities(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of salinity samples for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - network (str) - aquifer (str) - unit_hyphen (str) - unit_long (int64) - obs_no (str) - collected_date (datetime64[ns]) - collected_time (str) - tds (int64) - ec (int64) - ph (float64) - sample_type (str) - anomalous_ind (str) - test_place (str) - extract_method (str) - measured_during (str) - data_source (str) - easting (float64) - northing (float64) - zone (int64) """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_salinities(wells, **kwargs)
[docs] def water_chem(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of water chemistry sample analyses for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - obs_no (str) - sample_no (int64) - collected_date (datetime64[ns]) - analysis_code (str) - analysis_name (str) - value (float64) - unit (str) """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_water_chem(wells, **kwargs)
[docs] def elevation_surveys(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of elevation surveys for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - obs_no (str) - network (str) - elev_date (datetime64[ns]) - ground_elev (float64) - ref_elev (float64) - survey_meth (str) - vert_accuracy (float64) - ref_point_type (str) - applied_date (datetime64[ns]) - comments (str) """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_elevation_surveys(wells, **kwargs)
[docs] def construction_events(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of construction events (summary data) for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - obs_no (str) - completion_date (datetime64[ns]) - total_depth (float64) - final_depth (float64) - current_depth (float64) - permit_no (float64) - backfilled (str) - casing_from (float64) - casing_to (float64) - casing_min_diam (float64) - casing_material (str) - pcemented (str) - pcement_from (float64) - pcement_to (float64) - pzone_from (float64) - pzone_to (float64) - pzone_min_diam (float64) - pzone_type (str) - pzone_material (str) - pzone_aperture (float64) - drill_from (float64) - drill_to (float64) - drill_diam (float64) - drill_method (str) - development_method (str) - development_duration (float64) - comments (str) """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_construction_events(wells, **kwargs)
[docs] def construction_details(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of detailed information collected at time of construction of wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: dict with four pandas DataFrames. The keys, and the columns of the DataFrames are below: * "water_cuts": - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - water_cut_date (datetime64[ns]) - depth_from (float64) - depth_to (float64) - swl (float64) - yield (float64) - test_method (str) - tds (float64) - ec (float64) - sample_type (str) * "drilling": - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - depth_from (float64) - depth_to (float64) - hole_diam (float64) - drill_method (str) - comments (str) * "casing": - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - depth_from (float64) - depth_to (float64) - casing_diam (int64) - casing_material (str) - cement_method (str) - cement_from (float64) - cement_to (float64) - comments (str) * "prod_zones": - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - pzone_type (str) - depth_from (float64) - depth_to (float64) - pzone_diam (float64) - pzone_material (str) - pzone_aperture (float64) - comments (str) """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_construction_details(wells, **kwargs)
[docs] def drillers_logs(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of lithological intervals from drillers logs for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - obs_no (str) - log_date (datetime64[ns]) - logger_name (str) - depth_from (float64) - depth_to (float64) - lith_code (str) - description (str) """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_drillers_logs(wells, **kwargs)
[docs] def strat_logs(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of formations from the stratigraphic logs for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - depth_from (float64) - depth_to (float64) - strat_name (str) - gis_code (str) """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_strat_logs(wells, **kwargs)
[docs] def hydrostrat_logs(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of formations from the hydrostratigraphic logs for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - unit_depth_from (float64) - unit_depth_to (float64) - subunit_depth_from (float64) - subunit_depth_to (float64) - hydro_type (float64) - hydro_depth_to_greater_flag (str) - comments (str) - map_symbol (str) - strat_name (str) - subunit_comments (float64) - subunit_code (float64) - subunit_desc (float64) """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_hydrostrat_logs(wells, **kwargs)
[docs] def lith_logs(wells, session=None, **kwargs): """Get table of lithological logs for wells. Args: wells (list): list of drillhole numbers (ints) or :class:`sa_gwdata.Well` objects Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - dh_no (int64) - unit_hyphen (str) - obs_no (str) - depth_from (float64) - depth_to (float64) - major_lith_code (str) - minor_lith_code (str) - descr (str) """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.bulk_lith_logs(wells, **kwargs)
def search_by_suburb(suburb, session=None, **kwargs): """Find wells by suburb name. Args: suburb (str): case-insensitive suburb name Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - xxx """ suburb = suburb.upper() if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.search_by_suburb(suburb, **kwargs).gdf() def search_by_radius(lat, lon, radius, session=None, **kwargs): """Find wells by radius around a geographic point. Args: lat (float): latitude of search point longitude (float): longitude of search point radius (float): search radius in kilometres Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - xxx """ lat = float(lat) lon = float(lon) radius = float(radius) assert lat < 0 assert lon > 130 assert lon < 160 assert lat > -50 if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.search_by_radius(lat, lon, radius, **kwargs).gdf() def search_by_rect(sw_corner, ne_corner, session=None, **kwargs): """Find wells within a rectangle. Args: sw_corner (sequence length 2): the latitude and longitude of the south-western corner of the rectangle (i.e. minimum latitude and minimum longitude) ne_corner (sequence length 2): the latitude and longitude of the north-eastern corner of the rectangle (i.e. maximum latitude and maximum longitude) Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - xxx """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.search_by_rect(sw_corner, ne_corner, **kwargs).gdf() def search_by_network(*network_codes, session=None, **kwargs): """Find wells within observation well networks (one or more network). Args: network_codes (str): network codes e.g. KAT_FP, NAP, STHNBASINS, LLC_STH Returns: pandas DataFrame with these columns: - xxx Example: .. code-block:: python >>> import sa_gwdata >>> wells = sa_gwdata.search_by_network("WMLR", "MCL_VALE") """ if session is None: session = get_global_session() return session.search_by_network(*network_codes, **kwargs).gdf()